The trendy frozen dessert

We've taken a closer look at culinary trends in France in 2023, and it's clear that sushi and ramen have already captured the hearts of the French... 
However, a delicious Japanese dessert is taking the culinary scene by storm, and we're talking, of course, about iced mochi! 

Well-known to American, Asian and African consumers, iced mochi are gaining increasing popularity in France. Teenagers no longer look at a simple scoop of ice cream in the same way. Thanks to platforms like Tiktok, interest in this gourmet half-sphere is growing all the time!

It's true that this delicacy is nothing new, (to find out more about the history of mochi, click here), nevertheless, it is experiencing a relatively recent rise in popularity in Europe. The French are increasingly intrigued by this Japanese sweet and seem to be won over by its unique texture and delicate flavours.

Ice cream mochi promises to become a must-have sweet treat, bringing an exotic and refreshing touch to the world of gastronomy. 


Des mochis et des pailles illustrant un jeu de Morpion

Mochi or the ultimate must-have? 

Today, Tiktok is the real springboard for mochi, reaching a minimum of 50 million shares. This vitality has given rise to numerous brands of mochi, offering consumers a wide choice of characteristics: a thicker or thinner paste, a lighter or lighter cream... there's something for everyone!

On the platform, numerous videos show consumers discovering mochi for the first time. The current trend is to rate the taste of different flavours. This evaluation is becoming a real craze. 

Il est évident que le mochi glacé gagne rapidement en popularité, s’immisçant progressivement dans les habitudes de consommation. Avec cette ascension fulgurante, il est clair que cette tendance ne s’éteindra pas de sitôt. 
Le mochi glacé s’installe de manière durable dans le paysage gourmand, devenant une délicieuse découverte pour les amateurs de plaisirs sucrés.  




Le Mochi Glacé

The trendy dessert

